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Ready-made themes: Why do we avoid them on a corporate website?

When we refer to “theme” in the context of a website, we are talking about the foundation that supports the overall appearance and content of your business’s website.

Have you ever experienced this situation during a discussion:

“How should we proceed?”
“I’ll provide you with 2-3 pre-made themes to choose from, and we can begin!”

After receiving the links to the websites, they seem similar yet different, which confuses certain features from each theme are preferable. Resulting in needing to decide which one to choose. The usual response would be:

“Don’t worry about it. We can select one and incorporate elements from the others as well.”

Feeling relieved, you agree without any hesitation. However, after some time, you notice design errors and parts of the page that could have been different. Unfortunately, the most common response you receive is:

“There isn’t much we can do because we’re limited by the theme we’ve chosen.”

While it might be tempting to use pre-made website themes for convenience and speed, at WebMastros, we recommend avoiding them for several reasons. Based on our expertise in website construction and technical support, we have concluded that:

“Creating a unique design offers more freedom, adaptability, and originality.”

By doing this, not only will your website stand out from others, but it will also make things easier for everyone involved.

So let’s examine the reasons that led us to the above conclusion:

Lack of creativity

A frequently observed problem in website design is the death of creativity. Many individuals resort to readily available themes that are accessible in the market. The outcome often leads to many websites with simple presentations that do not stand out. If you aspire to enhance your visibility, setting your website apart from the competition is imperative to creating an original design that attracts visitors’ attention.

An innovative and eye-catching design can make a significant difference in how your website is perceived and can help you to establish a memorable brand identity.

Limited flexibility and customisation:

Using a pre-made theme may restrict your ability to customise or add new features to your website. This is because pre-made themes typically come with predetermined features and capabilities.

Redundant code:

Using a pre-designed WordPress theme can result in unnecessary lines of code in your website, slowing its response time and causing security issues. Even though this may not be immediately noticeable, it can negatively impact your website’s quality score for search engines and increase the likelihood of unexpected problems. Simplifying your website and implementing security measures often solve these issues.

Unnecessary contents:

Continuing from the previous point, it’s important to note that pre-made website themes often come with default features and plugins that may not be relevant to our website’s needs. Removing them can be a costly and time-consuming process. Therefore, starting from scratch to create a clean and straightforward code without unnecessary information and functions is a more efficient approach. This can improve the website’s loading speed and save us time and money in the long run.

Compatibility and support issues:

If you opt for a pre-made theme, you rely on the developers for its compatibility with your software and plugins. Furthermore, there could be constraints concerning the theme’s support and updates in the future. Though it may appear insignificant presently, consider the amount of time and effort, you invest in deciding the ultimate layout of your page. By selecting a ready-made theme, you may have to repeat this process sooner than anticipated.

Choose something that will make your life easier:

Upon initial consideration, a pre-made website theme is the most convenient and cost-effective solution. However, this approach can result in a website heavily reliant on external factors such as theme creators or plugins. This can ultimately hinder our ability to grow and fully harness the power of the internet for our business.
To ensure our online presence is secure and optimized, it is crucial to make informed decisions and select an infrastructure tailored to our specific requirements.

Creating a website from scratch is the optimal method for achieving this goal. We are readily available to assist if you require further guidance or information on this matter.